The Latest Episode Of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Is An All-Timer

This latest season (the 12th) of Curb has been awesome. Call me easy to please if you want, because I am. But compared to all the rubbish on network tv and the over-saturated mediocrity on all the streaming services, Curb Your Enthusiasm delivers, even when it doesn't bring its A-game. 

This past week's episode, episode 7, titled "Dream Scheme", was an all-timer. 

Without giving too much away, Larry David figures out a way to pull a page out of Tevye, from Fiddler On The Roof's playbook to wiggle his way out of the kind of social commitments that make you wish for a real nightmare. He, of course, gets Jeff on board, and before he knows it, Freddy Funkhauser and his maid try to use the same tactic against him. 

There are several laugh-out-loud moments, the best being when his maid walks in on him going down on his new girlfriend, played by Essence Atkins.

And her being rightfully mortified. Then shortly after, walking in the room again, this time as Leon is explaining to Larry how to feed the string to his hoodie back through the hole, flicking his tongue.

Also- I will probably catch hell for this, but I haven't been the biggest Vince Vaughn fan the past few years. I've thought his pigeon holed role has grown stale, and the last few things he's been in have been fucking terrible. (The Google movie and the True Detective season we'd all prefer to forget). But man has he fucking killed it this season on Curb. He hs fit in so perfectly as Larry's foil. The scene in this episode where he confronts Larry about "fucking him" out of the violin, "while he was asleep", you could close your eyes and envision the OG Marty Funkhauser (r.i.p. Super Dave) delivering those same lines, same tone, same cadence, etc. 

This season has been phenomenal so far, which is making me even more sad that it's the last we will be getting. With the way they've been alluding to the finale every single episode so far, I'm just hoping that the rumors of the Seinfeld cast coming back for this series finale are true, and they make up for the dud that everybody keeps ribbing Larry about on a constant basis.

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